Thursday, March 27, 2008

Solstice Center April 2008 Events

In addition to listing our regular and special events of April, 2008, this email also strives to highlight a special dance in honor of Mark Klosterman's service to Dance Home. Details below. You can also go to our calendar on-line to get detailed information of current events, or you can check the Solstice Center website for general space rental information.

Dance Home April Schedule:
April 8 DJ Paul, Host TBA
April 15 DJ Victor, Host TBA
April 22 DJ Reed, Host TBA

Importantly, the Solstice Center now has a new Healing Center called, "Lotus Healing Arts", and will primarily consist of owner Varadaan's Ayurvedic healing and Riitta Ojala's Balance Works Psychotherapy. Contact Varadaan at 303-827-5823 to inquire about a session, or to schedule a visit to the new offices.

Mark Klosterman: Passing the Dance Home Director's Torch.
Mark Klosterman, long time keeper of the flame for the Dance Home Community, has stepped down.

We at Dance Home wish to announce that we are dedicating the upcoming Friday March 28th dance as an appreciation to Mark Klosterman for his ten years of devotion to running our dances. Mark recently resigned as Dance Home Director. He had sought to pass the torch several months ago but generously stayed on until committed folks were available to take the torch and run with it.

At the dance, we will also introduce the three members of the Interim Management Team who will be running the dances for at least several months: Varadaan (President of the Solstice Institute and owner of
building that houses Dance Home), Zoe Joy (who will not be present that night as she is appearing in the Vagina Monologues at The Dairy), and Reed Heyser.

Dance Home has been holding regular dances for fourteen years and counting. We play an eclectic mix of free-form dance music that transcends generations. All ages and dance styles welcome! Every Tuesday (8 PM to 11:30 PM) and the last Friday of the month (9 PM to midnight). 302 Pearl St, entrance on 3rd.

Please join us to dance and bid farewell to Mark!

From Varadaan:
As Hopi wisdom holds so eloquently: the future and the past are subjective reality, filtered through whatever lenses we personally happen to apply. The present Now Moment is in fact the only thing we truly know - and in a sense, that is what is so great about our dance space- it really is about the Now. So there is the past and all its historical expectations and agreements. And there is a bright future ahead, that is sure. And because Mark was doing so much and now we have a vacuum to fill, somehow it is necessary to hold the whole project and ensure that the brightest possible future can be had, while keeping in mind all of the heirloom torches of the past. In a sense this is a time of death and renewal for the project, but it is a time of great opportunity. We have an opportunity to start fresh with a blank slate with all of the learnings we have accumulated over the past 15 years.

To accomplish this transition, I as President of the Board, with support of the Solstice Institute Board of Directors, has established an Interim Management Team (IMT) to hold together the whole project while we establish a new management structure, process, and team. If you are interested in serving as staff or volunteer for the Dance Project, please contact Reed Heyser, by e-mail - see below. Feel free to contact Reed or myself if you have any questions over the next two weeks.

The Interim Management Team is:
Reed Heyser
Zoe Joy Einbinder

Note that Zoe is intensely preparing for two performances and so Reed and I are taking more responsibility for the next two weeks. We hope to complete our work by the end of April.


“Spirit Journey” Journeying within to access wisdom for your life.”
Date & Time: Sunday, April 13, 12-3pm
Cost: $50
Where: Big Room, Solstice Center

Drawn mostly from my work as a therapist, as well as from shamanic journey work, and experiences as a priestess, and meditator, I have found that many of us have a need at various times in our lives to look inward in order to access our own spirit for information and guidance. When we can take the time to be in sacred space, with a guide to facilitate, we can “journey” to those places where we might find answers to questions we hold about our lives, where we are headed, our healing, who we are becoming or wanting to become. When working with others, in this type of journey work, they have found spirit guides, spirit animals, talked with ancestral spirits, had symbolic visions or simply found answers to their questions. This 3 hours will be a sort of sampler time for you to experience what this kind of journey might be like for you. You need have no previous training as I will gently guide you through the process. You will be given an opportunity to learn some skills and information that you may not have previously tapped into. Any journey begins with the first step, let’s take it together…

Facilitator: Soltahr Tiv-Amanda, M.A., LPC, has led numerous workshops and has taught healing methodologies of various types over the last 23 years. She is a therapist, college professor, Reiki Master, priestess, mindfulness meditation instructor and shamanic practitioner. All of her experiences and roles have combined to create in her a warm and comforting presence and the ability to hold a sacred container for deep and far reaching inward looking.

Registration: To register, email, or call 720-296-0041.


NEW YOGA CLASS! Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the Skylight room from 5:15-6:30. Yoga For Every Body with Paul Russell is an all levels class. This means that we'll explore the yoga asanas on all levels: spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. In these classes we'll also endeavor to uncover the single thread that runs through and unites the myriad asanas on all levels in an intimate weave.
Feel free to email me with any questions at or call me at 720-890-8880. My yoga articles are now posted online at


April 26th-27th, 2008 in Boulder
led by Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D.
with Diane Bardwell Masters

You’ve done work on yourself and have opened and benefited (and want to maintain that openness), but find certain issues surfacing again and again — relationship hassles, insecurities, emotional inhibitions, and so on. Now, more than ever, these are in your face (perhaps because you’re now ready to fully face them), asking for your undivided attention. And, quite possibly, also for a suitable setting, featuring both cutting-edge
guidance and the company of others as committed as you to healing and awakening.

You might think that these issues are blocking your path, but in reality they are part of your path, and need to be treated as such. All you have to do is stop turning away from them, stop trying to rise above them, and make the journey into them, with awareness, compassion, and curiosity. This is not necessarily easy — for if it was, you probably would’ve already done it — but it can be done, leaving you more whole, more alive and present, more functional in every aspect of your life, allowing you to live a life that
is as practical as it is liberating. This healing is what this group is all about.

This group is for those who want to make wise use of their difficulties and who are ready to work through whatever is obstructing their liberation. It is especially suited for those whose longing to be truly free is stronger than their longing to continue distracting themselves from their suffering.

This group will be small and intimate, being limited to 12 participants only, so that there is enough time for everyone to receive in-depth attention. The group will involve therapy (in its focus on personal history), and will also involve much more than therapy, given its integral nature. Deep catharsis, psychodrama, and spiritual breakthroughs will flow in and out of each other during the group, in spontaneously apt ways.
All kinds of issues and concerns — from the deepest trauma to the seemingly trivial — will be dealt with, through a dynamic, creative mix of psychotherapy, bodywork, spiritual disciplines, dreamwork, and group practices. The atmosphere will be one of deep trust; the group will be a safe place to let go of being safe, providing a crucible not only for personal healing, but also for awakening from all of our entrapping dreams.
Participants will learn to become more intimate with all that they are — dark and light, high and low, shallow and deep, neurotic and transcendent, dying and undying.
The structuring of the group will not be preset, but instead will arise in accordance with group and individual needs. Each participant will have an opportunity to work, in relevant detail and in sufficient depth, with his or her particular issues, and not necessarily just once in the group.

LOCATION & TIME: The Solstice Center, 302 Pearl Street, Boulder, Colorado.
The group will begin Saturday, April 26th at 10am and end Sunday, April 27th at approximately 4:30pm.

TUITION: $495 CAD. A nonrefundable deposit of $250 CAD is required.
PAYMENT: In Canadian funds either by bank draft (payable to Robert Masters at 16133 9th Avenue, Surrey, BC V4A 1A5) or by credit card online through the STORE page at Full tuition is due by March 15th, 2008.

ROBERT, a critically acclaimed author (of 7 books), teacher of spiritual deepening, and highly experienced psychotherapist (and trainer of psychotherapists) with a doctorate in Psychology, has innovatively integrated mind, body, emotion, and spirituality in his work for the past 30 years. For more information on his work and writings (and to subscribe to his free newsletter), visit

DIANE, Robert’s wife and spiritual partner, assists him in his groups and trainings, contributing deeply to the work being done. She is an intuitive healer and Reiki master, as well as a songwriter and professional singer, with a special talent for accessing and transmitting heartfelt spirituality through her music.

(revised edition) and TRANSFORMATION THROUGH INTIMACY, available in
bookstores and from (and also from
To register, or to obtain more information, contact Since we are only taking 12 participants, early registration is highly recommended.


Dancing In The Connective Matrix
Instructors: Kevin McCoy & Jane Harrington
April 5-11.
This is a first-of-its-kind workshop for somatic practitioners who aspire to work at the vanguard. We'll explore the essential embryonic, connective tissue and nervous system origins of the human body.
This workshop is open to Rolfers and Structural Integration practitioners. If you are interested, please contact Kevin at:


Hakomi Trainings: April 17-20. Closed session. Please contact for further iformation.


Tantra connection presents: Monthly Pujas. Thursday, April 24, 7:00-9:00. There is NO COST. A Puja is a sacred ceremony used to honor the divine in everything. In our Puja-healing Circles we will gather in a safe environment to explore the depth of our hearts so that we can give and receive love to our fullest. No Cost! Contact Miwa at 303-530-0920

Schedule 7:00 Arive and mingle
7:15 - Doors close for Puja
8:15 - Tantra talk
8:45 Dance and Mingle



"Kama Yoga", taught by Kim Minnick, EARLY MORNINGS, M-F in the Skylight room at Solstice, 6:15-7:15 am. Please call Kem at 720.435.2430 for more information, or email at


NeuroKinetic Movement Class
(Note - no class on April 9, and sessions end May 7 for the summer)

A one-hour class of nervous system-based movements that focus on learning patterns to manage pain and tension, refine posture, improve performance, increase core stability and generally enhance health. These movements are the self-care aspect of a comprehensive system of neuro-based intrinsic physical rehabilitation.

The slow, small movements explored in this non-aerobic class draw on concepts from Feldenkrais, Aston Patterning, Pilates & yoga in a unique way that will increase your body awareness & make you a more graceful & efficient mover.

Class taught by Michelle Saxer, who has been in private practice for over 14 years both in Boulder and Denver treating people with chronic pain, injuries and trauma. The neuro-based classes she teaches compliment her private practice and assist people in becoming pain-free & regaining full mobility.
Wednesdays, noon to 1pm
Solstice Center
Large Studio off of 3rd St.
On-going, Drop-in $10.- per class
Questions? Call Michelle at 303/717-0871




FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH at the Solstice Center

The gateway to:
-- Manifesting your Dreams!
-- Improved Physical Health
-- Mental Clarity
-- Emotional Clearing
-- Opening the Heart
-- Deep Spiritual Transformation
-- Deep Inner Peace

CONNECTED BREATHWORK is a simple yet beneficial technique for improved quality of life on many diverse levels!

The Breath experience begins by entering sacred space that supports the opening of the heart. The participants set their intentions for the evening prior to breathing so that desires are focused, goals are clarified an intentions are set. The group then begins the journey into breath. A safe and supportive environment is secured for the participants by the experienced facilitator, Lynds Pickett, and her support staff.

The simple, yet profound method of focused breathing eliminates body stress, releases toxic emotions and brings profound clarity and peace of mind. WOW! is the response first-timers have for this experience. The Breath experience closes with participants sharing their sacred journey voluntarily within the privacy of the group, celebrating together.

Date: Friday, April 4th, 2008
Time: 7:00 SHARP -9:15 p.m.
Place: Skylight Rm. Solstice Center, 302 Pearl St., Boulder, CO
Fee: $25--
Discount: $20 pre-paid ( see "Pre- Register below) OR bring a friend for 1/2 (of their fee)
Bring: a pillow and blanket and an adventurous attitude!
Dress: comfortably

QUESTIONS: Lynds 303-506-1772

PRE REGISTER: (Paypal and otherwise): Go to: "Classes" page, scroll down to "BREATH", click on Paypal logo. OR send payment to: Lynds Pickett, 10531 W. 105th Ave., Westminster, CO 80021 by Thurs., Mar. 6th, 2008.

Bellydance with Amina Salah! Please call her for details if you are interested in BELLYDANCE! on Wednesday evenings in the skylight room at 720-339-0816.


Kathy King's GEMS YOGA - a gentle, healing yoga, In the big room at the Solstice Institute every Monday afternoon from 2:00-3:30. You can contact Kathy at 303-604-6465 to find out how to enroll.


Music Together with Jane Smolens
Spring sessions resume on April 5, Please call Jane at 303-413-1120 or see her website at for more info.


Channeled Healings, Hosted by Miwa Linehan.
Channeled or Trance Medium Healings are high energy healings that connect you to your answers, your truth, your dreams -- YOU! You can get healing and communication on any aspect of your life! Come experience 'Heaven On Earth' in this transformative healing space!!
Location: THE BIG ROOM, Solstice Institute at 302 Pearl Street
Time: EVERY WEDNESDAY from 7:00 - 8:45 pm
Cost: No Charge... and donations are always welcome!!
More Info: Contact Miwa Linehan at 303-530-0920


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