Sunday, April 01, 2007

Solstice Center April 2007 Calendar

What's new for April 2007

Photo: Joanna Kennedy and Scott Roy at Solstice for their Intimate Communication and Greater Loving Circle events, March 24, 2007

Although snow remains in the high peaks overlooking the Solstice Center, the ground outside the building is fertile and full of promise as the spring season gets underway. We have many events happening this month, and a few announcements specifically for the Dance regulars. Blessings to all.


Dance Home schedule:
Date DJ Host
April 3 (T) Avinash Mark
April 6 (F) Mark Eva
April 10 (T) Arlyn Mark
April 13 (F) Kendra Mark
April 17 (T) Parmita Erica
April 20 (F) DH Cancelled !!! (Because of KANAAL concert)
April 24 (T) Salem Erica
April 27 (F) Steven Mark
May 1 (T) Luke Eva
May 4 (F) Mark Elana

Other Dance Home News:

Dance Home has a new Voice Mail box: 303-800-3606

New Speakers!
Over the past year, several Dance Home community members have donated enough money for the team of DJs to purchase a new pair of speakers with very high fidelity that will give us a state-of-the-art sound system for the first time in our 14-year history.

Changes to admission
As many of you know, we recently had to raise our fee to meet our financial needs, but now that some time has passed, we'd like to make an adjustment our patrons will appreciate. Instead of offering a discount for coming early, we're now asking dancers to pay a standard fee ranging from $5--$6 (or more, but it's your choice), and for those who want to dance for a shorter time at a lesser rate, you can dance for the last hour on Friday or Tuesday for only $3.50. As usual, kids under 12 years can dance for free, and punch-cards are available for only $48 (10 dances). If you have financial challenges, then click on this link to review our application for a Special discount

New Fundraising Program
Dance Home will soon be launching a new fund-raising program based on the donation of old cell-phones and any type of inkjet or laser printer cartridges of any size. This will be a simple way to support the Dance Home mission without spending any money."

Ayurveda: Depth Fundamentals, Module One

This course is an introduction to Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India - with enough special "depth" material to interest students of any level. In addition to responding to student interest and creating a forum for exploration on any topic, Varadaan will share special understandings discovered during studies with Dr Lad and work as a Practitioner.

10 Tuesday evenings
Solstice Center, 302 Pearl 7-8:30pm April 10 - June 12.
$200 registration paid before 1st class.
Recommended text is Dr. Lad's Fundamentals of Ayurveda, available at discount price, $30 plus tax.
Call Boulder Ayurveda 303.827.5823

You will be exposed to a unique perspective on the Vedic system of physics and metaphysics. Topics will include an overview of Vedic 5 element theory and its manifestation in the human body as the three doshas, the 10 guna pairs, subdoshas, and implications for healing with diet and lifestyle, including yoga. You will be given a Rosetta Stone of Ayurveda, which Varadaan has used to teach pulse and herbology at the Ayurvedic Institute. During our time together there will be opportunities to ask whatever questions you may have. Should Boulder Ayurveda get NAMA Certification as a school, your hours can count toward a certificate. Auditing the course is also an option at same fee.

Dance! Soul Vibration Celebration. Come shine your light in a celebration of life. A dance fundraiser for The Spiritual Youth Mentoring Program for Leadership and Enlightenment a project of Humanity In Unity. April 14 th , 9:45pm – 1am. $9 general admission and $7 for students with ID. The Solstice Center, 302 Pearl Street. World beats and Hip Hop by DJ Swint and Bonzee. ,


Susan Harper: Heart of Belonging
April 14-15, the Big room. In this weekend intensive, Susan Harper explores the relational capacity of the heart around the issue of belonging. Belonging is a powerful theme, directly related to the capacity for intimacy that is in every human being. From our infancy we have a great need to belong. Our understanding of belonging needs to radically change as we grow. We live in a time where ‘the temples of false advertising’ hypnotize and confuse our authentic longings delivering us to superficial places that are empty of real nourishment.
Our responsibility as adults is to refine the compass of our own genuine longing and belonging.
SUSAN HARPER teaches Continuum Movement internationally. She has developed Portals of Perception, Continuum Dreamtime, and Em’oceans and Sensations Trainings. In addition to Emilie Conrad, original founder of Continuum Movement, Susan teaches with Chris Price - Gestalt Awareness Practice, Peter Levine - Somatic Experiencing, Wendy Palmer - Intuitive Body Work, Gary David - Epistemics, and Hubert Godard - Perceptual Movement work. She has been deeply influenced by the work of Reggie Ray, David Whyte and John O'Donohue.
Fee: Weekend - $250.00, All four days - $425.
Send: $100 non-refundable registration fee payable to: GO Studio 7440 North 49th St. Longmont, CO 80503
Cancellation Policy: All payments non-refundable after May 10, 2006
For Further Information contact: Gael Ohlgren: 303 530-2992

Reiki Level-1 Workshop, with Joanna Neff, Traditional Usui Reiki Master
Sunday April 15, 2007 at the Solstice Center, Skylight room, 9-5.
the Level 1 Class: Attune yourself to Reiki energy; history of transmission; what healing really involves; ethics and principles of Reiki. Learn to use simple sets of hand positions that correspond to the body's gland and organ systems. Class materials inclued in fee: Reiki manual and CD of Joanna Neff's guided meditations.
$150 if paid by April 5th, or $175 on the date of the workshop.
Contact: Joanna Neff, 3250 O'Neal Circle, -#D13, Boulder, CO 80301-1432
Call: 720-406-1894 or email:


Relieve pain and chronic tension, rediscover stability and balance. Feel refreshed and alive, focused and balanced. Awareness Through Movement® classes in the Feldenkrais Method® are a guided experiential exploration of movement, breath, muscle tone, and skeletal alignment. These lessons teach you to move with intelligence, not effort. No movement experience necessary. You progress at your own gentle pace. All lessons taught by Erin Ferguson, guild certified Feldenkrais practitioner. Save 20% on all six weeks: preregister and pay $72. Drop-in rate per class: $15.

See for more information. Class size limited to 9 people. To register call 720.284.4306 or email with any questions.

beginning Thursday, April 26 for six weeks, 6.30-7.30pm
beginning Monday, May 14 for six weeks, 6.30-7.30pm


Thursday April 19th 7:00pm-9:00pm hosted by Deborah Benyik of Alta Energy in Boulder.
The community is invited to join Deborah in loving, supportive, energizing and humorous conversation with the souls of friends, relatives, children, pets and anyone with whom they wish to connect on a deeper level, both living and passed. "Deborah has been like an amplifier and translator, a map, a light in the fog. Talking with her has provided me with clarity, focus, understanding, and heart. I have been able to connect with both my daughter (17 weeks old) and myself in the most intimate and soulful way that I did not know existed before. It's as if Deborah has provided a window into a whole new way of being with my daughter and myself, bringing a new level of awareness to our relationship. I have such heartfelt gratitude for Deborah's gifts." Laura from Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Deborah is a warm hearted, deeply compassionate medium who brings voice to the soul essence of all those around us, both living and passed. You will immediately feel your heart open and experience what many call a spiritual "high", leaving you yearning for more. The communication she offers allows you to connect deeply to source and to hear the undeniable beauty of its truth. These conversations leave you with a deeper sense of yourself, your own purpose, your connection to loved ones, as well as the purpose of humanity.

Deborah will begin the evening by delivering a general message for the group and then allow everyone an opportunity to connect with individual souls and ask questions. Please contact Deborah directly to save your seat, or get more information.

LOCATION: THE BIG ROOM, Solstice Institute 302 Pearl Street

COST: $10.00

Deborah Benyik
ALTA Energy


Matrixworks: Advanced Practice Class. April 21-22, Solstice Center. Limited enrollment to ensure extensive practice for participants in working with Groups-as-Living Systems. for more information, contact mukara 303 440-0148.


Jones Associates present: Attend a Free Introductory Workshop in Boulder!!!
Vision To Reality Workshops:
The Skylight room, April 13th, 2:30-5pm
Call Ashlie for location and to register: 303-530-0564 x 1
Leslie Jones and Dr. Martin Kettelhut
Jones Associates Inc.
This workshop introduces you to a systematic and proven approach to assure profound success in your life and business…
*Deepen your understanding of the importance of creating a vision of life that fulfills you and learn how to live from it on-goingly.
*Achieve clarity around the obstacles that have previously blocked you and obtain access to move beyond them.
*Learn about a rigorous way of planning that makes getting the results and experience you want an inevitability.
* Learn how to create powerful accountability in your life which frees you up to be in action in a whole new way.
* Become inspired and empowered to implement your next steps.


Matrix Leadership Institute: A May-Day (Beltane) Celebration and Networking evening:
Monday, April 30, 2007, 7:00-10pm in the Big room. Singing, dancing and conversation. A time to hang out in the Matrix Web, connect with new and old friends and celebrate the season. Dress up (or not). Bring your flyers or business cards to share. For more information and RSVP: Arlyn, 720.352.7386 or email,



Trance Medium Healings are high energy healings that help you connect with your spiritual answers so that you can live your truth. By receiving a spirit to spirit healing at this level of energy and awareness, you will feel great and shine with your newfound freedom and wisdom!
You can get healing and communication on any aspect of your life!
Come get more clarity and awareness in this amazing healing space!!
Long distance healings are also available!
Call Miwa to schedule...
Location: THE BIG ROOM, Solstice Institute at 302 Pearl Street
CHANNELED AND TRANCE MEDIUM HEALING CLINIC runs from 7:15-8:45 pm EVERY WEDNESDAY of the month. Cost: FREE!! More Info: Contact Miwa Linehan at 303-449-3977


Bellydance with Amina Salah, Wednesday evenings the Skylight room: Please call her for details if you are interested in BELLYDANCE! at 720-339-0816.


Kathy King's GEMS YOGA - a gentle, healing yoga, In the big room at the Solstice Institute every Monday afternoon from 1:00 - 2:30. (Spring session begins April 2).You can contact Kathy at 303-604-6465 to find out how to enroll.


MUSIC TOGETHER WITH JANE SMOLENS Jane Smolens' Winter spring sessions in the skylight room begin April 7. Please call Jane at 303-413-1120 or see her website at for more info.

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